Anyone know why??? Please read


Alright ladies, I've got some questions since google isn't saying things that I actually understand (probably my fault). But anywho this post may be a bit TMI so...yeah...

Anyway, I'll probably leave some back story and then my questions at the bottom, please, no rude comments, I just genuinely am seeking answers since I cannot afford to take myself to a doctor.

Alright so I'm not on birth control, my partner knows this. One night he got drunk, we had sex, he didn't pull out (we don't use condoms either, we just use the pull out, but he isn't ready for kids just yet this early in our relationship, but has already said that if we get pregnant it's fine) so we went and got a plan b about 24-40 hours later since we didn't make it to the pharmacy on time the day after we did it. So all the time before getting the plan b (since we already knew we were gonna get it) he just kept cumming inside me. Well after we got the plan b and I took it, he thought he could cum inside me again and the plan b would protect against it. Well since neither of us knew we went and googled it (I know, probably not the best choice) and google said that it would NOT protect against it. So we ended up getting another pill because google said it was safe and wouldn't do any harm (again, probably not the best idea and I dont know how true that information is, but it said it was like taking birth control and that it was safe) but we the other pill like a little under a day later. Well then I started my period 10 days early, but instead of it lasting 8-9 days like usual it only lasted about 6 and a half but it was a heavy period. I have slight discomfort during sex sometimes (almost feels like my uterus or cervix or whatever is up there is being hit in a strange way, not accompanied by bleeding) but it goes away if I shift a certain way or if we do a different position. But the other thing, is that my nipples are so sore and tender, it seems like my areolas are turning a shade of light brown from their usual pinkish nude color and the nipples themselves look like a red brown now and they're ALWAYS hard now. I dont know guys, I just really feel weird because I feel pretty irritable now but I didn't feel that way the whole time i was on my period but now I do. I just dont feel the same, plus I am always so tired. I can nap for like 4 hours and still get my full 8 hours at night. But lately I haven't been resting very well, not sleeping all through the night anymore, I'm just really restless and uncomfortable. but this all started around the time of taking those stupid plan b pills. Not sure if those are the reason I'm feeling so different, but it's just weird. I feel so bloated its stupid (even right now). But last night (like a whole day after I got off my period), we decided to have sex, i had the discomfort, but this time my vagina felt loose. I didn't have much feeling down there and I could barely feel him and we talked about it and he did say that I feel loose. But I've never had that problem before. I do kegels and I exercise but I have NEVER had a problem with the tightness before.

So here are my questions, if anyone has any answers:

#1. Why would my period come 10 days early?

#2. Why would my nipples be acting this way???

#3. Could anyone give me any explanations to the internal discomfort during sex??

#4. Why would my vagina just become loose all of a sudden??? *honestly I would like this question answered above all if anyone has any idea why or any tips/tricks to fix it*

#5. Is there a chance that the plan b didn't work and I'm pregnant??

#6. Any factual information about plan b, the side effects, long/short term effects would be greatly appreciated!

(I did tell my partner that I will not be taking plan b or generics again as taking it is when all of this started, he is in aggreeance. He also is aware that i will not get on birth control due to how it affects my body, I went through 3 different methods in a 2 year span, all of which were forced on me by an abusive ex. My partner completely understands this and is fine with pulling out as neither of us like condoms either )

Thank you so much for your time and any answers are much appreciated. Apologies for the long post!!

God bless, I hope all of you wonderful ladies (and men since I know some of you are here with your partners and are just as helpful as your lady counterparts) have a great day!