I can’t stop crying right now

I looked this up to see if it’s true and it’s happening in NY, right now.

I feel like this just gets worse and worse every single day. I’m having my baby in 45 days.

Who knows what’s going to happen between now and then.

I understand not allowing visitors in the hospital after birth. But the thought of my boyfriend not being there makes me want to throw up.

I literally haven’t stopped crying since I found this out.

I have extremely high anxiety about child birth already and my boyfriend is my only support system. I can’t even imagine doing this alone.

It seriously tears us apart that he might not be able to be there for her birth.

I’m just trying to imagine what it would be like, doing labor alone and giving birth all alone. All by myself. For around 3 days.

Then after having her, I’ll have to take a picture to show my boyfriend his daughter until we’re released to go home?

I know the most important thing is having a healthy baby. But this is never, ever, in a million years how I planned having a baby would go.

No, it hasn’t happened yet here in south Florida, but like I said things are changing everyday. I seriously doubt it will be any better by the time I have her. This hasn’t even reached its peak in how bad it’ll get yet.