Giving birth during Corona virus lockdown


I live in South Africa and our president announced that our country will be on lockdown for 21 days from the 26th of March until 16 April. I am going to give birth to our son tomorrow (25 March) via c-section.

My mind is running wild with all sorts of crazy thoughts (my son is going to be born during an apocalypse, will my husband be allowed to come visit). It feels like we are in an apocalyptic end of the world bad dream sci-fi movie and I am going to wake up. I never imagined in my worst nightmare that our baby would be born during a pandemic.

It's been a rough journey with the possibility of him having Edwards syndrome (we got the all clear) to issues with his kidneys to this pandemic. I feel like I am losing my sanity. I just want to go into meltdown but I can't because my husband and kids need me to be strong.

We have a lot to be grateful for (none of us have gotten sick especially my 4 year old who is severly asthmatic like me). I just wonder what sort of world my kids are going to grow up in.