God has mysterious ways but he’s so good


6 months ago I was pregnant first my wife and I were so excited, I miscarried, 3 months later I found out I had breast cancer, that phone call everyone dreads especially when they’re 25 and just pulled them selves out of a depression to do to a miscarriage. After several appointment, several tests, needles, biopsy’s oncologist bouncing around chemo and radiation I sit her 3 weeks after surgery, getting the phone call my cancer was caught early enough for no chemo no radiation!! I’m cancer free, one more surgery to go until I’m released cancer free and ready to try getting pregnant again... God sometimes surprises us sometimes has us wondering what’s going on. I fully believe god new I couldn’t carry a baby to full term, life is full of surprises sometimes you least expect it and you get let down, but never stop trying!! Too all the ladies trying to conceive, you got this and you are strong!!