

Gosh.. I’ve always been very insecure about my weight.. in all honesty I’ve never been happy with my appearance. I may not look big but I feel big, I also don’t like how I look, you can see my rolls, you can see my fat. I was at 160 like 2 years ago.. I have been around 180 for the past year ish, had a baby gained 14 lbs and lost it all back to my 184.. now I’m almost 200 and can’t stop fucking eating. I always feel hungry, I always want to eat something and it’s not like I just sit around and eat but I hate eating.. but I keep doing it.. eventually it’s gonna take a bad turn on myself. I just wish I had the motivation to work out (not extreme) but get my body looking at-least “fit”. But every time I say I want to do it, I don’t.. and now the pounds just keep adding and I do not want to gain anymore 😞 it’s so depressing.. I tell my boyfriend that I don’t like my body and obviously he flips out saying it’s amazing in his eyes but honestly, I know it’s not.. I could do better... I eat like 2-3 times more than him! Ugh 😥

This photo is me days before my due date.. yes I know, I’m proud of my baby fat but I want to make it less noticeable, less fat around the arm pits and rolls on the back, less chub around the stomach and neck.. it’s just my biggest insecurity

Please don’t be mean 😥😩 I just wanted to let this out somewhere