

EDIT: The amount of uplifting comments literally makes me want to cry😭 y’all are SO SWEET. I was so nervous putting this up, and deleted it like 6 times. THANK YOU💖💖💖😭

Also I get a lot of questions so I’ll answer some.

I do not do any cardio. (I really should😅)

I weight-lift 5 to 7 times a week.

I was a competitive gymnast for 6 years and did other sports on top of that, so my muscles already had a good foundation. They just needed some love 🥰

I don’t count calories or macros.

I stick to a more vegetarian diet, because my mom never fed us red meat when I was a kid. So my body can’t digest it properly... I’ll leave that to your imagination 😂🙃🤦‍♀️

I pay attention to portion sizes and don’t over eat OR under eat.

I have not let social media know I have been working out consistently. I want to post about it when I hit 6 months of consistent weightlifting. I’m only at 2 months and I can’t keep it in 😩. So here is some motivation during all of this craziness to keep going!