Infected belly button??

Jada • 25 Trying for baby #1 w PCOS!

Can someone please tell me what this could possibly be or if they’ve experienced this? I’ve had pain in my belly button for about a month. The first week it was just sore, the second week it bled and after that it was sore and I started getting whatever kind of “growth” is in there (which seems to be getting larger). I’ve already gone to the er twice and have a dr appointment in two weeks. They keep telling me it’s an infection, but I’ve taken about 2 & 1/2 weeks worth of antibiotics and nothing. I’ve also tried hot compresses, but it just eases the pain for a bit. I do have something that looks like it is growing in from the top of my belly that is swollen and looks like it it is full of blood. My belly button is swollen and hurts to press down on it. It is painful and feels raw. I do also get random pains in my belly button that feels like I’m being poked with needles and the top of it feels hard. I am extremely uncomfortable and don’t know what to do at this point. If anyone has any idea what it could be or how to help please let me know