Does this make sense

He answered his FaceTime call (it’s 9pm) and he had the phone turned all the way down to the lowest volume. To the point he had to put the phone to his ear to hear. It was a girl calling that he rides bikes with she’s in their bike group and she was calling because AND I QOUTE “she’s bored.” So he then moves toward the TV on another side of the room with the phone still at the lowest volume possible and he sees me starring at him in disgust so he tells her he’d call her back. Now I’m not one to be insecure, but this conversation seemed off to me. His body language and everything. If you can’t hear why not turn the phone up??? He has his phone on full blast when talking to anyone else. I questioned him about it and he keeps denying that it’s anything more. She’s someone I’ve been concerned about anyway as she comments on his pics and loves every single one on FB and he does the same with hers... does he seem to be suspicious with this behavior when she called?

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