The first time

I have so many questions. I’m curious about smoking weed because I’ve heard a lot about how it could help anxiety. My friend said he would let me try it but every time he offers I freak out a little bit 😅. I have a few questions simply because I need to ease my nerves a little before I try it so I know what to expect.

If you only take one hit the very first time, how long will the high last? My friend told me it wouldn’t last very long at all that is if I even got high from it. (He said he would only let me take one hit of it at first)

When you get high the first time how do you feel?

I’ve heard that if you get too high (I’m aware I’m not going to end up super high by taking just one hit) then you can eat to come down from it. Is that true? If not is there anyway you can sober up?

That’s all I can really think of right now, and I apologize if I seem really stupid. I have almost no knowledge on marijuana. I’m just trying to get educated on it before I try it.