Visitation rights

Please could someone help me,

I am currently going through a separation and we have a 7 month old baby together.

The father makes no effort to see her unless it is 100% on his terms and there have been a few times where I ask what time he will have her home and he freaks out because he shouldnt have to tell me and then he leaves without her?

The 2 times that he has taken her has been for 12 hours and for 10 hours (he will bring her back only at 8pm and no sooner).

He now wants to take her for not 1 but MINIMUM 2 nights and I keep saying no...

Can someone please tell me what the law is in regards to overnight visits?

Thank you ladies

Sorry also: I have called the family court for mediation, due to the virus everyone is on shutdown and we are on our own until they open again