Freezing due to Covid


Morning guys. I hope you’re all well! So unfortunately we were informed that as of yesterday that our clinic is no longer giving patients the choice to still do fresh transfers and that any embryos suitable for freezing would be.

Im trying to look on the positive side of this, i know no one can give me answers or timelines of when my transfer is likely to be in all of this craziness and its going to be hard but nothing worth having comes easy right?

We are blessed to have two healthy baby blasts going in the freezer today and i have to be thankful for that, we lost a couple of embryos on the way but these two have powered on to day 5 i cant believe it.

Frozen transfers are new to me its not something we had ever discussed with our dr so if anyone has any positive info feel free to cheer this girl up :)

My mind keeps slipping to thinking i should have been transferring this morn, but maybe today is someone elses time and ours will come in a couple of months when we can resume back to normality 🌈