Standing my ground


Here's my divorce story. It's a bit long but it's my side of the story.

So I met my husband when I was 14 and I instantly had a crush. He was a cute respectful boy. He was 16 at the time. We became friends but we always had other boyfriends/girlfriends throughout high school, so we never really talked seriously. He graduated 2 years before me and joined the army. After I graduated, we finally began talking seriously. He knew I liked him growing up, but he finally admitted he liked me too. He was getting discharged so we began dating and moved in together within the first 3 months of dating.

After about 6 months living together, he lost his job and he stayed unemployed for a little over a month. During that time, he filled out a handful of applications but never reached out to follow through with the applications. We ended up losing our house and we moved back in with our parents.

Foolishly, we found another place and moved back in together. We got married ( quick I know) and we both got a job at the same place. One day I was scheduled to work, but woke up feeling like crap. So I debated about whether to go into work or not. My husband was pushing for me to go to work. I eventually just called out and stayed home. During that day, I was playing on his phone and he got a text "hey are you coming to get me?" I asked what it was about and he said his friend needed a ride to go pay bills but he's not worried about it now. It came out in an argument that this 'friend' was an ex before he enlisted. It rubbed me wrong that he never told me about him helping his ex and was adamant about me going to work. We fought then he left.

After a few hours of separation I called and texted him getting no response. So I logged onto his Facebook to see if I could figure out where he was and if he's okay. On his facebook messages he was talking back and forth with this same ex that started this argument and he told her he was probably looking at a divorce. She told him he could stay the night at her place. I was furious at this point. Never got a reply from him until the following morning, he said he stayed in a hotel that night, that he never went to her house, etc. I told him I don't trust her and don't want them talking. He agreed.

Fast forward a year. I was playing on his phone again and got curious and looked through his Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat messages. Came upon snaps from this girl to him; pictures, but we all know the pictures can't be viewed again. I was furious asked him about it and he said they were just pictures she posted to her story that she sent him. I didn't believe it and left him. *yes I know, my snooping was toxic*

(Foolish woman here I know) a few months goes by and we work out our differences before anyone filed for divorce. We get back together and move back in together. 3 years go by and we're here today in 2020 and I've given up and I'll be filing for divorce soon.

Since we started dating back in 2014, he has went through 25 jobs. We get a place, stay there for a few months then he loses/quits a job and I can't afford it on my own so we have to move. We have lost 5 places due to his inability to keep a job. He usually only keeps a job up to a few months then gets fired or chases another higher paying job in an endless cycle.

I found out after our wedding that during the time we lost our first house, he had that same ex at his momma's house while we were living separate.

So aside from his inability to keep a job, I'm honestly not 1000% over him talking to his ex like I thought I was. He has admitted that he has cheated on one of his exs before, so it keeps creeping in my head that once a cheater always a cheater, etc.