Cancelled newborn pictures

Really just a venting post..

Has anyone else had to cancel newborn pictures?

I just can’t help but feel like this is the worst time to be pregnant or have a baby. My little girl is 2 weeks old tomorrow and last week we had to cancel newborn pictures... i will never get the chance for those again and this is my first. It makes me want to cry every time I think about it because I won’t have those memories and she’s already growing so fast. We are also quarantined and not allowing anyone including immediate family over. I am trying to take as many pictures as possible so I will at least have those but this just isn’t ideal. I wish my parents could see her and my sisters. This is their first grandchild.

HOWEVER, I am thankful that we were blessed with a beautiful and HEALTHY baby girl. I just get in my head sometimes and needed somewhere to get it off my chest.