Tired of double sided judgement!

Shayla • Wishing for rainbows🌧🌧🌧🌧🌈

My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for over 3 and a half years, with three losses. I've been told to just relax and enjoy not having to take care of things you need to take care of when you have kids, but after doing that to try to make things less hard on myself I get told that I'm not ready because we are too relaxed and dont take care of things that you need to take care of when you have kids. I'm going CRAZY by this double sided crap. You tell me to relax so I do, then you tell me because I'm relaxed I'm not ready to be a Mom??? I've never been close to my family until recently because my parents were unfit to care for me when I was a kid, visited my mom and my brothers up until recently, I moved into the same town as them 7 or 8 months ago for work to make more money to afford fertility treatments and tests that I couldnt afford with my previous job or the cost of living etc. where I was living. But now I feel like I have to distance myself from my family even though part of the reason I moved was so I didnt have to be alone going through this. Im just frustrated.