Swaddling — hip dysplasia and arms coming out




After some advice

I have been using a blanket but now I worry if her legs are not correct and can cause complications

She has her arms by her side but often come out not sure what to do?

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Posted at
The gro company do hip healthy swaddles too


Le • Mar 29, 2020
I was just looking on there which are Tomme Tippee swaddle bags


Posted at
My daughter has hip dysplasia.They’re a little pricey but the “love to dream” transitional swaddles are really good!They do one specifically for hip dysplasia but I’d already bought a normal one off amazon before we found out and she had her pavlik on, we got around it just fine by bunching the bottom up a little round the stomach area, she still had lots of room for her legs Hope this helps 🙂


Ha • Mar 26, 2020
Also my daughter started out arms down but didn’t seem too bothered by the fact that the love to dream one is arms up x