Period started today- not pregnant again

When looking to expand my family... everyone said, “just relax and have fun with it.”, “don’t stress about it,” & the dreaded “it’ll happen when it’s meant to happen.”

Well it’s impossible not to stress. It’s impossible not to hope and wonder if this time will result in a pregnancy, and also I’d like to know... when the hell is it meant to happen. Cause I am ready now.

But I have to tell you... my period started today and nothing could express the disappointment I feel. I try to be hopeful and I got so excited when my <a href="">glow app</a> told me I was 3 days late from expected period. But then I saw the beginning to my period and feel into a trap of hopelessness and disappointment.

I want this so bad.

Tomorrow I will try to be positive. I will look for hope and I will keep pushing along. But today, I have to express my feelings and say I am disappointment and angry.