Are there any options for me..?

Ok so before all this virus stuff came about, I had just started the process for a new job. Finally getting everything taken care of, and being told that I’d have full time hours. Everything has now changed. I, now at this point, only will be working 1 shift next week that I am aware of. That’s it. Nothing is scheduled for me further than that. Since I quite literally JUST started this job, I have zero options for unemployment that I am aware of. I am not eligible since I haven’t been with them long.

I also am not eligible for FMLA because of not being with them for 12 months.

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and that is why I’m looking for options. Finding a job is currently hard enough with everything that is going on. I am starting to get really behind on bills, and it’s causing a lot of stress now.

Is there ANY options for me?