What would u do?? Birthing options

In a dilemma you guys. I am 12 weeks expecing baby #7. Yep 7!!!

The good thing is its a while off yet, the bad thing is im australian and its coming into winter (flu season) and covid19 is only just beginning to take off here..

Dr told me its highly likely if i have baby in hospital (where most the covid patients are!) Ill have to do the birth alone. All alone. Not keen on this AT ALL.

If i pass my glucose test which ive failed 2 pregnancies in a row now i can birth at a low risk birth centre at belmont a smaller.hospital. this would be ideal but i dunno i doubt ill pass the test...

I have been approved by a private midwife to try homebirth. I live 2 minutes from 2 major hospitals. However with my history of gestational diabetes and tendency to go overdue in previous pregnancies im not sure ill be able to?? Id love to pass this OGTT!!!!

My husband has agreed to pay for the private midwife if i want to do it but everything really rests on my glucose test

I dont know what to do and its really upsetting me

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