Opks again

I have PCOS and I already know opks aren't always accurate for us ladies with it. However, I started taking myo + d chiro to see if helps me at all. I don't really see any changes or feel any. But I figured I'd buy some cheap opks and try them again just to see if it helps in that as when I used them before I got a lot of high LH surges but no true ovulation. I've heel testing for the last few days. With concentrated urine as I know diluted can affect the results. Over the past few days they were negative. I know this one in particular looks like it may have a dye run or something but I took a couple others that were still negatives with light lines ⬇️

Today's seems to be either positive or pretty damn close


App prediction said my "ovulation day" was yesterday.

Husband and I BD this morning (before I even took the opk) as I've said I'm not saying the myo is making me ovulate but I figured it was worth a try as some women seem to have had success...I'm not getting my hopes up. But could use some baby dust