
Hi! Would like people’s opinion. We have a healthy 3 year old boy and will be doing <a href="">IVF</a> with PGS testing because of low morphology. My husbands sister has 4 children, her oldest is 17 and has severe intellectual disabilities, nonverbal and was born with a hole in her heart. Long story short, we have no relationship with the sister or kids. She went on to have 3 more healthy children and no other family member that has this. No one knows the cause, we don’t even know if there were tests done to rule anything out. I am very concerned that my husband could be a carrier of something. I’ve gotten the Counsyl test done and they said my husband will get it if it came up positive. When bringing this up to our doctors they think it’s a fluke and aren’t concerned. Should I be?! With my first I wasn’t this paranoid but the more I think about it with TTC with my second the more I am!! TIA!