Pregnant and probably have covid-19


My doctor said I could go back and get tested for covid now as he’s assuming I have it. It won’t even change anything since there’s no treatment so he said I could just wait it out and treat the symptoms as they come and to self isolate until I’m better. My two year old son is also sick with the same symptoms as me. He’s snapped back already though, just has a bit a cough now but no more fever. I’ve been keeping track of my symptoms too I’ll drop in case anyone is interested. Also, I’m 30 weeks pregnant so a lot of the shortness of breath is hard to decipher between baby squishing my lungs or the illness itself. It’s been just over a week and they expect it to run it’s course within another week.. I’m definitely starting to feel a little better though, but we shall see. 🙏🏼