Frozen blasts


Today I got the news that out of my 11 fertilized eggs, 9 made it to freeze. Now they’re being sent to be biopsied to find out how many chromosomally normal blasts I have. I’m SO nervous. I’m 36 so I’m sure most of them are abnormal, but I was really hoping for maybe 5 or 6 normal frozen blasts as backups in case the first one doesn’t work, and so that we have extra to transfer in the future when we want another baby after the first one. The waiting game is so hard I honestly don’t know how I’m going to survive two more weeks! In 2 weeks I’ll also be getting my results from my Receptiva biopsy to see if I have endometriosis.

I can’t remember if there was ever a time when I needed to be distracted by seeing my friends and family! Also my dad is in the hospital with a lung issue, my aunt just died, and I’m just an emotional mess right now!! Ugh please send prayers I don’t know how to handle all of this stress. My egg retrieval is the only positive thing I have to focus on right now.🙏

Update: We got our results back with 4 normal and 1 inconclusive. Out of the 4 normal we got

5BA (girl)

5BB (girl)

3AA (boy)

3AA (boy)

The two boys are from our eggs which matured the day after my retrieval, so my dr feels most comfortable with the girls, but said we could try the boys and they will probably be fine, especially since they are a good grade. However, since my husband and I desperately want a girl, our plan is to thaw the healthiest girl and if something happens to her during the thaw or if the transfer is unsuccessful we will then thaw the second girl and try to implant. If both girls fail we will then do another egg retrieval. Our plan is to have 2 more kids so we want to ensure we have enough frozen blasts for the future.

Also, my Receptiva test came back positive for one of the markers for endometriosis, so I’m planning to do 2 months of Lupron shots to calm my endometriosis down before my transfer. My clinic is opening things back up in May, so that means my transfer will most likely happen in July if my body cooperates. 🙏

Also, my dad is now home and doing better, but he’s still on oxygen and he has a home nurse. We’re extremely grateful that he’s home away from the Covid cases and that he’s doing better. Another one of my aunts died, which is 2 aunts within 3 weeks of each other. They’re my moms 2 older sisters and I was extremely close to them both. My most recent aunt who died lost her battle to cancer and she died the exact date that her husband died 8 years ago. She helped raise me and I’m heartbroken that we couldn’t have a funeral for her, but hopefully after all of this is over we can have a memorial service for them both.❤️