
So i started having unprotected sex at 14 and i believed i started to contract an STD around 16 because thats when my body internally felt different but i never knew why but after i use a restroom or so friends would mention...i left behind an odor😓 so i thought it was because i contracted a yeast infection i got tested for one and that only it cleared but i still had issues so at 19 i figured to have a STD check up and it came back i had plenty of STDs and got treated so now im 21 and i believe i contracted another STD 🙄 and its getting crucial because even with a condom i still feel weird down there afterwards so now im hoping to have kids soon and wondering has anyone had any similar experiences to where they may have had a certain STD for over a period of time and still conceived 🤷🏾‍♀️ and had their baby because if not my only hope is adoption or my current bf and i to do surrogacy but i really want my own baby so can anyone help me or ease my mind😖