
So I’m freaking out ... back in December we started looking to move ... we have an 8 month old baby girl (she was 5 months then) and we have lived in this house almost five years and wanted a bigger house. Long story short - we decided to build ... it’s a beautiful house. We bought the house in January. Our house went on the market the end of February and literally sold in one day. A few days later this virus stuff happened. Getting out of it is not an option. We have already signed over our house a few days ago due to the fact that moving and real estate is considered an essential service in my state. It was either this or get sued. I hate the fact that we are moving now. I made sure the moving company we are choosing is wearing masks gloves using hand sanitizer etc. but as we all know the virus lives on hard surfaces and soft surfaces as well. I’m scared for my baby girl. This should be a happy time but I just wanna cry that we have to move in just 9 days. Aside from that we’ll have to have utility people come over after the move to install stuff as well as a guy to install blinds. This is all making me sick. Even the builders- if they have the virus it could be leaking into our house who knows. When the movers come my plan is to leave our house with our baby and my husband will stay in the house while they’re moving stuff that way I can minimize contact and protect our daughter. But even so, if my husband god forbid catches it and gets sick we all will too. And he has high blood pressure which is a preexisting health condition. I’m just so terrified. 😢😢