Baby girl is in my pelvis already!

Angelika • 32 I Married I 🐶🐶🐱 I 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 I 👧🏻

I had my 34W appointment yesterday and baby girl is measuring great, but... I had been having a ton of braxton hicks with mild cramping and I noticed her movements were much lower than usual so my OB did a cervical exam and baby girl is in my pelvis! I thought I had dropped as I can definitely feel it but was just hoping it was in my head lol!

I am not dilating yet but he could feel her head. Now I know she could very well just hangout there for weeks but there is also a possibility I could go into labor soon! So crazy to even think about lol

I am just praying she stays comfy where she is at for a little while longer!