Morning pumping & nursing!


How are you ladies handling nursing & pumping in the morning? I normally leave for work around 8am. My son is now sleeping through the night, waking one time anywhere from 12:30 to 2am. My husband has been giving him a bottle when he wakes so that I can sleep (he’s a stay at home Dad). My son goes to bed around 8:30pm and I pump at 9:30pm and then go to bed after (around 10:30). I’ve been waking up around 5:15am needing to pump. My son gets up around 6:45, but I can’t make it until then. My problem is that if I pump at 5:15 (usually for about 20 minutes) I’m not full enough an hour later to nurse my son. I’ve been topping him off with a few ounces from my morning pump, but I’m worried that the more bottles he gets the less likely he is to want to nurse. I know I could just wake up in the middle of the night to feed him, but getting that long stretch of sleep really helps me function. Especially for when I go back to work. Plus I’m going to run into this problem anyway once he starts sleeping through the whole night. Any advice?