I just need to vent.


My fiancé travels for work so we live in a camper in Texas, but I’m having to stay home, in Oklahoma, until baby comes in mid May. We stay at my fiancé’s moms house when we’re in Oklahoma.. & it seems like his mom is not taking the virus serious.. she’s left everyday since I’ve been home.. and when I tell her it scares me she says she’ll “be ok” and I don’t wanna be like “what about me & your unborn grandson???!”. I understand my baby is safe inside me for now but still. The virus is killing healthy young people... what if I get it? She just doesn’t seem to care... I wish I had somewhere else to stay and self isolate.. I could lock myself in the bedroom but I have dogs that need to go out which requires me to go through the house.. also we just got our first confirmed case in the county today.🥴😭