Being thorough


Is anyone having issues with their OB office not being very thorough? I feel like I’m having to throw out any question I can think of to get answers. They haven’t discussed an sort of birth plan with me. They haven’t even let me know my baby has flipped, the reason I know is due to my ultrasound that i did for cheaper at another place. They’ve yet to check my cervix through out my whole pregnancy. They haven’t mentioned anything to me about the Tdap vaccine. They’ve given me one ultrasound this whole pregnancy just to clarify the gender. They looked at me like I was stupid when I discussed breast pumps and needing a prescription for one. I’m a FTM so this is all new to me, and I understand I should be asking questions of my concern. But typically your nurse or doctor is supposed to clue you in on things being they are the experts not you. Am over reacting or should they be a little more informative then they have? And the biggest issue yet is I haven’t even met my delivery doctor yet just his nurse and I’m 36 weeks!!!!