Maternity pics

So, most of us have had to cancel our baby showers (including me) due to the covid-19 pandemic going on. Which really sucked. Now, is anyone having to cancel maternity pictures too? I don’t know what to do. It’s not fair I’m not going to have ANY experiences from this pregnancy when I’ve tried so hard for so long to get pregnant. Even though I understand it is necessary and for good reasoning. I still at least would like to be able to do ONE thing a pregnant woman usually gets to do. We never had maternity pics set up or with a photographer or anything, we had always planned to do them just with our phones with the help of a family member taking them. But now we’re social distancing and I don’t want to risk going around someone for that. My bf and I obviously live together so he could take some pictures of just me, but I really want to be able to get couple ones too and now that’s seeming not likely to happen. It makes me really sad. 😩😔😔😔