Please be kind


So I had sex the 19th of March and the 21st of March the 19th was the day before my peak I didn’t get a chance to have sex on my peak witch was the 20th but I had it the day after my peek as well. Is it true that sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days? I have had a lot go early pregnancy systoms I am trying to wait to test as long as I can to see if my period is gonna start or not but really hoping it doesn’t i was supposed to start yesterday and didn’t but I’ve had so many systoms.

Reason why I think I’m pregnant

1. I’ve been peeing a lot

2. My appetite has increased I feel like I can’t eat enough

3. I’m bloated all the time

4. I’ve been having mild cramps

5. I’ve been having some pelvic pain

6. I have all of sudden started getting heart burn I never had it before

7. Certain smells make me wanna puke

8. My boobs are tender

9. I feel nauseous off and on no vomiting I have thrown up once

10. Moody, Emotional

11. Hot flashes

12. Lack of sleep or can barely keep my eyes open

13.lower back pain boobs have gotten a little bigger

I’ve also been on prenatals since the 5th of March. My last period started the 5th ended the 10th my ovulation days started the 15th and went to the 20th the last day was the 21st I really think I might be so I’m asking for prayers and positivity please.