Mamas of frequent night time wakers ??

I’m writing this post with the hope that I’m not the only one who’s 3 month old does not sleep more than 2-2.5 hour stretches at night. I always read about babies sleeping through the night and it makes me almost ashamed to admit that the longest stretch my baby has slept was 4 hours and that was just once!! Last couple of nights he has been waking up every 90 mins screaming like a banshee. Sincerely hoping it’s teething pain.

He is EBF and we don’t offer a pacifier. He sleeps in a sidecar sleeper or in my bed (yes I’m aware of the guidelines, however, culturally that’s completely normal for me and that’s how all babies sleep for the first year of their lives where I’m from).

Anyone else here with poor sleepers? Looking for solidarity more than anything.