34 weeks and feels like I’m in limbo


I have anywhere from 3-6 weeks till this baby comes..... I want to start packing bags for myself and then my 2&4 year old boys to go to grandparents but honestly, I could put like 4 things in their bags because they are still wearing their clothes, diapers, blankets, sound machine, favorite books and using tooth brush and toothpaste🤪.... my 2 year old will be moving into 4 year olds room once it’s time for new baby to move to crib.... new baby will be in our room for approx 3 months just like my first 2. I want to get all the baby stuff set up in our room now but honestly, I still put my 2 year old on the changing table down stairs every morning and night( it’s a corner one so he’s not too big and it’s much easier to change him with my big ol belly in the way. All my newborn clothes and diaper storage will be in the changing table. I really can’t get our room set for new baby..... also our main floor bathroom is under construction- no tub, sink or toliet and I would just love to get all new babies bath crap put away in there, but I can’t.. We live in a split level so main bed upstairs and then 2 rooms, livingroom and bathroom( shower only) on the lower half.. I’m so tired of having to go down 14 steps to pee in the middle of the night...... I haven’t gotten out any of my pump stuff or sanitized bottles yet but honestly I’m not ready to make room again in the kitchen.... I did get all my newborn crap washed... I just feel so ill prepared. I’m delivering an hour away instead of the 20 mins away I did with my oldest 2 boys.. my first I went in on his due date to be induced but I was actually in labor so he came on his own, second was induced day before due date. It was a blessing to be induced with second as we had a set date and took our oldest to grandparents the night before.... now I have 2 boys and feel like I’m just in limbo waiting!!!!!! Sorry for the long rant but needed to get that all off my chest...

Oh, then there is the corona shit.... I work at a VA medical clinic at the front desk and only way I can be off work is to use my own personal leave.... I will only have 4-5 weeks paid leave saved by the time this baby comes and will have to take the rest fmla.. I really need that time off after he is born with him. This is my last baby.... we went on a week vacation last June and I’ve been saving every ounce of leave since to have some good paid time off with him. I will be taking atleast 6 weeks unpaid as is for maternity leave on top of what paid leave I have saved and that pushes out my anniversary date with work. I’m supposed to hit my 3 years 4/29 but that has already been moved out 5 weeks from having my 2 year old... June I hit my step increase AND go from getting 4hr annual and 4 hr sick leave every 2 weeks to 6hrs each!! But that will he moved to mid July now that I will be taking unpaid time off... ugh