Painful ovulation/pain on one side after ovulation


So I had a pretty painful ovulation this month (my first since stopping pill form BC) and we did have sex around that time, now I’m a week away from my period and I’m having these weird pains on my right side almost like round ligament pains!!!! Wtf!?!? Has anyone had this possibly the first legit week of pregnancy?? Maybe implantation?

I feel like this happened with my son and I brushed it off as period pains!

**** i got pregnant with baby #1 within a month of stopping bc last time and then miscarried and I got pregnant with my son within 3 months of ‘trying’. I use that word loosely because we didn’t track ovulation or anything. I am aware that this is rare and it might trigger some women who are struggling to conceive and I just want to say that while it’s very easy for me to get pregnant, I had severe PPD and PPA after my son that I’m still in some pretty intensive therapy for. Motherhood is NOT easy. Some people have a really hard time getting started, some people’s birth is very traumatic, some people’s postnatal experience is awful, some people’s experience raising a child is very hard. Motherhood is the most savage Hood I’ve ever been in and no one escapes without some scars. The only way we can survive is to band together against these little tiny dictators!