Pushing during labor

When I was about 6 months pregnant my sister in law gave birth and pushed for 3 hours w/ no luck so she had to get a c-section. I mentioned to my best friend what happened and she insinuated that she wasn’t trying to talk bad about my sister in law but that not all women know how to push a baby out... After asking my sister in law about her labor she actually told me the baby’s shoulders were too big and couldn’t make their way through her canal? So the baby was stuck stuck and when the doctors realized the baby wasn’t going to fit they did the cesarean. Fast fwd 3 mnths and I am in labor. My baby is sunny side up so all my pain is in my back and my spine. I never once felt the strong like period cramps people talk about. They tried to rotate him but failed. The pain was unbearable after trying IV meds that did absolutely nothing for me except make me throw up I asked for the epidural at 7cm. When it came time to push, I didn’t feel confident on when I had to push. I would ask them do I push now and my dr would tell me that when I felt like I had a contraction to push but it was hard to tell because I was in so much pain on my back and my contractions just felt like I had to poop but I kinda felt like that the whole time. I pushed for about an hour maybe but I was making no progress. My babies head would pop out and go back in the whole time. Even in some pushes my dr seemed like she had lost faith that I was going to push my baby out. I remember pushing and her literally turned to the side talking to a med student not even paying attention & that made me feel even less confident. I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and the comment my friend made popped in my head. Maybe I don’t know how to push this baby out. By the end of it I was tired my pushes were getting weaker and my baby’s heart beat was getting low so they put me on the oxygen mask which made me feel like I couldn’t breath & I heard them say that maybe my baby had a foot stuck on the umbilical cord because the way he kept getting sucked back in but that was never confirmed to me. I then heard my Dr tell the med student okay this will help and give the baby more room and then she told me she made a cut. well next contraction I pushed one long push and his head and whole body came out. But I can’t help and think did I not know how to push correctly? Or did my DR just get tired of me not making any progress and decided to just speed up the process? I had really bad hemorrhoids after I gave birth. They were the size of grapes, so I was pushing with all of me but was I pushing wrong? Idk.. and it scares the hell out of me to think about if I get pregnant in the future and I don’t know how to correctly push my own child out of me. 😪