Pregnant & depressed


I'm depressed. It hit me using words like drowning & pull me out. I'm depressed. I think I didn't see it because of the pregnancy symptoms & the lockdown. I missed all my triggers- extreme fatigue, not wanting to go anywhere, not wanting to do anything, feeling empty inside, feeling sad & angry, not doing anything that makes me happy, not sleeping, not enjoying food.

So now that I'm aware I can do something about it. I have a history of anxiety & depression but now coupled with pregnancy. Prenatal depression is real thing, if you type in pregnancy depression in the <a href="">glow app</a>, there's a ton of moms suffering. I'm not alone.

It's hard to admit because I thought pregnancy would be this beautiful, exciting process. Instead it's horrible. Every day is horrible because of the symptoms. There's so much guilt because I asked for this so why am I complaining. I am grateful to be pregnant because at some point I thought I couldn't have babies. But look at God work.

I hope & pray the 2nd trimester will be better & that when twins come into this world in November all the darkness will fall away.

How are you moms coping?