

Today, April 7th, I woke up and got ready to go my boyfriends moms house while he’s at work and I have an appointment later this afternoon. Everything seemed normal, only think different is last night I was having some really bad period like cramping and my stomach was hard. Woke up and my stomach was/is still hard but the cramping isn’t as bad. I went to use the bathroom as most of us do by this point in the pregnancy, you wake up and immediately need to pee, and when I wiped I see bright pink blood. Wiped again cause I thought my eyes we’re playing with me. But nope sure enough there was now bright red blood. Not sure what this is/was. Cramping as picked up a little bit since then. Is it what I think it is or am I just hoping that they come soon so that I can start the next chapter of parenthood. Also I’m 32w 2d with mo/di twins. Is it to early? Or can they come now and be okay?