Fat burners

So I ordered these fat burning supplements from Fit Affinity. They had amazing reviews and I honestly could not find a single bad review so I thought might as well give them a try since I am so desperate to lose weight and the ingredients are all natural. Plus my husband whom is a personal trainer swears on fat burners.

After 2 weeks of taking them I have not lost any weight, in fact I’ve gained 4 lbs, I’ve also noticed I’ve been getting severe abdominal cramps. I’m not sure if that’s just because good ol Aunt Flo is on her way or if it’s from the supplements. These cramps feel much much worse almost like a stabbing pain. I paid so much for them so I don’t really want to waste them but I also don’t want to cause permanent damage to my body. Anyone else have negative effects with fat burners? Anyone know any health details about them good or bad?

Also any ideas on what else I can use to help lose weight and give me that energy to get my workout done?

Here are the supplements I was taking