He said I’m a joke

We have a 1 year old daughter together and have been broken up since December. We haven’t filed papers yet because honestly I have been trying to be nice and give him a break.

Well he is moving in a girl that he has known for 3 weeks so she can help (in his words) “pay his bills and sleep with him”. So I said I would like a background check and to know when she moves in so that I can know if she is safe for our daughter to be around since honestly he doesn’t even know her.

He wouldn’t tell me when she was moving in because it was “none of my damn business” and this was our conversation afterwards. He went from making $50k a year then when I got pregnant, he took a different job making half that since I got a promotion, so he doesn’t think any court would make him pay child support when I make more than he does. I provide child care, insurance, and have her every day except for a few hours on Saturday (per his request) so damn right I’m gonna file for child support.

I just can’t handle his ignorant behavior. He even makes me pack her diapers, wipes, and milk to bring to his house because he doesn’t have any.

I can’t wait to get this ball rolling. No more games.