Taking a Coronavirus Break!


I realize some people live everyday in fear/despite the possibility of catching this virus. I have no clue what to tell people about my June wedding, my recently passed baby nephew I never got to meet, my career path, my fiancé’s job. I have been stalking the news trying to find answers to the unknown. Trying to keep abreast with what’s happening. The result? Horrid back pain, constant headaches, anxiety, sleepless nights, falling behind with work, disconnect, and still no answers.

I decided this week was enough. They told us this was going to be the hardest week the nation has faced. So why watch it? I already know what’s going to happen. No news this week. No political or analytical podcasts. No Facebook. No Nextdoor. For this week, I’m done with it.

Things I’m doing instead:

1. Fully embracing allergy season and taking twice daily walks with the dog. (We’ve walked 40 miles in 5 days and she’s so happy).

2. My gratitude journal. 5 things everyday. If they’re specific to a person, I tell them!

3. I finally did my taxes and checked my stock portfolio (I’ve been procrastinating for weeks and it feels so good to just do it even if it was worse than I thought)

4. I bought the brightest flowers at my grocery run. No I have something so happy and bright against all my trendy depressing neutrals

5. Continued planning my wedding/talking to my grieving sibling daily.

6. The best for last! Spotify’s 70’s playlist!!!! I think 70s music was designed to send you into a dancey universe full of fun and no worries. A temporary mental vacation.