Trying to get an idea...



My now former (we moved and I'm waiting for my insurance to switch over I was literally going to drive 2 hours back to where we used to live to get prenatal care until then) doctor canceled my ultrasound and I'm already super paranoid that somehow I've lost the baby so I called about an elective ultrasound. It's scheduled for Monday and I'll be almost 10 weeks then. Several positive things, my fiance can come into this appointment, I'll get video of the ultrasound, and it'll be an abdominal ultrasound versus a PTSD triggering internal ultrasound (that would have been way worse to go through without my fiance which was how my doctor's office was gonna have it).

Anyway, I know abdominal ultrasounds early on are a little less clear and she will reschedule if she can't get any picture buuuut really I'm just trying to get an idea of what we're gonna get when we go Monday.

So here comes the ask:

Anybody have an *abdominal* ultrasound picture around 10 weeks so I know what I'm looking forward to?