Am I being completely ridiculous???

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

So I’ve been dating a guy since October, we became official in December, and he’s really sweet and cute. He’s respectful and likes me for me, which is great. But at the same time I’m still struggling with insecurities I’ve had since pre puberty. I don’t feel confident about myself, but I know that I’m pretty good lookin’(if that makes sense). He doesn’t seem to find me physically attractive, or at least pretends like he doesn’t care how damn hot I’m trying to look. When we slow danced he was shaking like a leaf, and when I started dancing to a song I liked, he looked genuinely scared(it WAS our first date, and I DID drop it low, my bad). Maybe he’s uncomfortable with anything sexual, or maybe he’s nervous cause it’s his first relationship(mine too), or maybe he has another reason. I understand that. It just rubs me the wrong way when he avoids mentioning my appearance.

Am I overreacting? I feel like suddenly bringing up, “YoU neVEr coMpLiMEnt mE” would be bitchy and maybe I am overreacting, but I don’t feel any less annoyed. I love that he doesn’t like me because of my boobs I just wish he tell me I’m hot, pin me against a wall, and kiss me! And being quarantined across town from each other IS. NOT. HELPING!!!!