Jinxed it?


We’ve been ttc for 5+ years. I have endometriosis (diagnosed after my 2nd daughter was born, she’s almost 7), so I deal with constant pain, weird periods, fertility issues, all sorts of fun stuff. I’ve gone through multiple miscarriages, failed fertility treatments, the works. This year we had kind of decided that we’re okay not having more kids. It was hard to give up on that because I always thought we’d have like 5 kids.

3 weeks ago we had a yard sale and FINALLY sold the crib that’s been in storage for so long, along with some other baby items.

The following Monday. Two freaking days later. I realized I was about a week late (totally normal unfortunately). Big. Fat. Positive. Not a faint line. Not a squint your eyes. Didn’t have to invert the colors. A real positive.

Y’all. I haven’t gotten a positive on my own without fertility drugs in over 4 years.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know if it’s going to stick. My anxiety is through the roof, like I feel like I’m constantly having an anxiety attack. And I don’t know when that’s going to end. I haven’t told anyone outside my husband and best friend. And I don’t think the anxiety will go away until I have a baby in my arms...or not.

My Dr. is amazing and wants to do weekly ultrasounds, he says we’re watching this baby like a hawk.

I feel super weird asking for y’alls thoughts and prayers. But whatever you believe in, please ask for this baby to be healthy ❤️ I’m terrified with everything going on in the world right now.