Husband help


I am struggling with my husband. I am the provider and he stays home. This is recent. We decided it would be better because I have a better earning potential. The deal was was that if I worked he would do what I did previously and kept up the house and kids. It has been a month and sometimes he is good but most of the time the house is a wreck. He falls asleep while supposed to be watching our one year old (has happened 3 times) and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but oh my heck I get so tired of his laziness and he will never be different. He doesnt hear me when I try to have a calm discussion with him and he has an inferiority complex (that he gives himself) that he will not get over no matter what I do. I dont know what to do. I feel like i have lived our entire marriage holding up something that has been trying to crash down. I love him and enjoy being around him when he isnt being bratty but I dont know if the unfairness is something I should continue to put up with.