Leap 6 HELP!

My daughter has been awake since 5am (after not going to bed until midnight last night!) she did not nap at all yesterday & it’s been 7.5 hours since she’s woken up. I have been trying EVERYTHING. Went on a 30 minute walk, went on a 10 minute car ride around the neighborhood, I’ve rocked her, read to her, fed her, she’s got a dry diaper, fed her some more, bounced her around the house in my arms, I’ve let her cry it out for a while... She’s been playing hard, but it’s to the point where she will scream if she’s playing, if I’m holding her, if I set her anywhere; shes refusing to drink anymore because she’s full. I gave her tylenol because she is teething & thought that may be an issue for her, but that was 2 hours ago, it wouldve kicked in by now & she’s not taking a cold teething ring so I know she’s fine there. I know she is overly tired. But ever since she learned how to pull herself up, she immediately stands up in her crib. I’ve sat in there and sang to her, while rubbing her back and she just freaks out. I’m exhausted and I have so much to do, I haven’t showered in 2 days, I’m hungry I haven’t eaten since dinner last night, everything’s a mess. does anyone have ANY tips?