Is it done?

I’ve been with my boyfriend a year and a half, we’re quarantined together and are waiting to move into a place together (previously we’ve not lived together before) generally we have a good relationship but after being around him all the time these past few weeks, I’ve realised some of the issues we have are bigger than I thought.

He’s always been honest about who he is and what’s important to him, he has a business and a few hobbies he puts all his energy into. This has sometimes been an issue as I feel unimportant to him, I’m often a last thought and he’s happy to break plans with me to suit something else he sees as more important and that makes me feel awful. He’s also never really been interested in me as a person, I feel he doesn’t prioritise me or the relationship ever. I also find it hard to talk to him about things because when I try, he closes down, is uncommunicative and becomes cold with me. I don’t know what to do, any time I’ve mentioned it before his response has been ‘you knew this about me’ or some variation on this.

Does anyone else have this issue? What did you do? Or am I expecting too much?

It’s making me so unhappy and I feel like it’s not something he will change but equally it’s not what I want in a relationship either.