Insecurities and no self confidence

Is it just me who honestly doesn’t feel comfortable in my own skin? I hate how I look on a daily basis i awkward wear hoodies because I don’t like my hair? I hate the way my face is shaped because it’s looks slanted to me? 🤷‍♀️ I hate the way my body looks because I’m always referred to as “very skinny” and classed as I don’t eat much when I’m reality I eat like a whale?

I’ve noticed a lot from family, friends and my partner over the years like when I was in school and college in my friend groups I was always the one that got left out?

My family care more about my sister and brother more than they do about me they will put more effort in seeing my sister rather than coming to see me? 😕

My partner would rather look at prettier females who look flawless in all their photos having stunning bodies and everything and tell them they look gorgeous 🙂 rather than reassuring me about myself?

All it would take is for someone to actually reassure me And me not thinking I’m a ugly piece of shit? And not have to take 1000+ photos of myself before Italy a good photo to where I would stare at it to the point that I delete it because I look horrendous?

All it takes on one of “my good days” where I think I look nice is one laugh even if it’s not at me and I feel insecure all the time I always wear my hood because I’ve never been confident to have it down ever when I am it feels like I’m being stared at all it honestly takes is for me to feel like I’m being watched or people are talking about me and then that’s it I will completely feel insecure about what I’m wearing or how I look in all honesty I hate myself on a daily basis and before anyone says I should speak to people I do I speak to my partner on the days that I could just break down crying and I also speak to my cousin she’s my safe place wehave been close since we were babies