Need advice

There’s this guy like I’ve liked for over a year and we’ve continued to get closer and we play the same sport so during season we talked a lot and my feelings grew a lot and we have our friend group and so we all hung out and one day he found out I liked him while he was over and we snuck off and did some stuff and I then tried talking to him about it and ask him what he wants and he always says that he doesn’t know what he wants but then up until quarentine anytime we hung out we would make out and things would be fine but when we go to talk about it he gives me excuses every time why he won’t give us a shot and I understand the one that he’s leaving for the Air Force and doesn’t want to get attached but then why does he continue to make out with me and string me along then his other is he is scared of tall girls I’m maybe 2 inches taller than him. I don’t know what to do anymore now he’s going days ignoring me than talking to me like he hasn’t left me on delivered for 3 days