Moms - I need comfort right now..


My ex took my son from me.

Because I am an essential worker, my ex who rarely sees our son, has decided to withhold him from me because of the COVID-19 issues.

My home is safe. I have followed all guidelines and precautions in place. My home is isolated. My son is safe with me. But my ex has refused to give my son back to me.

We have a court order in place. My son lives primarily with me and me ex sees him every second weekend and alternate Wednesday (when he isn’t cancelling visits). But where this is a civil matter, the police can’t do anything.

It’s day 4 without my son. This is the longest he has been away from me since birth. My world has shattered and I need comfort.

I have retained legal counsel but we cannot submit for an emergency motion for custody to be returned to me until Tuesday morning when the courts open.

I live in Canada. We have a precedent set by the Ontario Supreme Court judge that states that the regular custody order and access schedule are to remain the same during this pandemic. Its in the best interests of the child to continue their normal as much as possible.

My son is 6 years old. He’s my best friend. He’s my world. I just want my baby back and I am struggling to get through this.

Please give me words of encouragement, comfort, advice, anything...

I can’t post this on my social media or local mom groups as I don’t want to jeopardize having my son returned to me. I just need to vent.