Tooooooooo Excited!!!!!!

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

Tomorrow morning is my anatomy scan!! I’ll be 19 w 2 d. Unfortunately my husband won’t be able to be there because of the current conditions which I’m SUPER bummed out about, but they are allowing us to FaceTime the appointment and ultrasound and he’s going to screen record it for our friends & family. I really wanted my husband and son to be there for this moment but we’re still so excited regardless. I can’t wait to go to bed so it can be tomorrow already!!!!!

Here are my most recent bump pics bc Im in love with my growing belly!!! 🥰🤰🏽

Here is the screen record icon:

Just tap it during the call and everything on your screen will be recorded until you end the video 😊