Ultrasound information

This won’t sound true but I PROMISE it’s true. I’m currently 10weeks pregnant .. I had an ultrasound around 6 weeks due to bleeding (when I went in she showed me my baby but didn’t tell me how far exactly I am.. she didn’t talk at all. When she locked the screen all I could see was fetal HR which was 128 & it said 6w 2d so i went based off that.? )

Fast forward to another ultrasound I had done around 8 weeks cause I still had bleeding they didn’t tell me anything about my baby except the baby’s healthy with a heart beat.. (which I’m happy for).

I’m currently 10 weeks & at 9 weeks 4 days my OB had to do a scan cause she couldn’t find the heartbeat on the Doppler (luckily there was a heart beating on the scan) .. she said I won’t see my baby until 20 weeks.. now I’m kind of confused.? When I was pregnant with my son every ultrasound I went to they talked to me about the baby. Told me how far along i was & gave me ultrasound pictures etc.. this pregnancy no one told me how far along I am🙄no one really talked to me about my baby & I didn’t get any pictures of our baby.. is this normal.??? I’m confused .. will I be able to get pictures on my 20 weeks ultrasound & will they talk to me about my baby